East Bank, west VA, USA
Job Description IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR: Principal FLSA STATUS: Exempt EMPLOYMENT TERM: Minimum 200 days annually, pursuant to WV Code §18-5-45; extended employment terms may be established by KCSBOE. SALARY : Pursuant to WV Code §18A-4-2, in accordance with Kanawha County Teacher Salary Schedule, commensurate with experience and education level. EVALUATION: Performance in this position will be evaluated by the building principal/immediate supervisor and in accordance with WV State Code §18A-2-12, WV State Board Policy 5310 and KCS G48A. JOB SUMMARY: Provide appropriate instruction to secondary students and insure that the students meet the learning objectives and standards for the appropriate content and grade level. PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: Appropriate certification required: Middle School, grades 6-8 minimum; Senior High, grades 9-12 minimum; Sixth Grade Teacher, Elementary certification. Responsible for implementing adopted and...