Job Description Title: Stipend - Prop Designer (Spring Musical) (CHS) (SY24-25)Dates: January 2025- April 2025
Prop Designer Duties: Design and create, or gathers the props for the Spring Musical according to needs and scale of production. The prop designer is expected to have at least one preproduction meeting with the production team before the audition process begins.
After that point, it is expected that the prop designer and production team will remain in contact on an as needed basis and will have at least one formal production status meeting, approximately half-way through the rehearsal process. All props,
with the exception of some minor tweaking, should be complete no later than the week before the Monday of tech. week of a production, but available for practice or use as soon as possible.
Qualifications: The ideal candidate will be an experienced educator with experience in play production.
Compensation: Stipend- $600
Application Process: - Upload a statement of interest for the position and complete the application steps via TalentEd.
Welcome to ATX Learning Welcome to Chelsea Public Schools! Chelsea Public Schools is a diverse school district just north of Boston, Massachusetts. The administrative office for the district is located at 500 Broadway, Chelsea, Massachusetts 02150. Please visit our website at, and please see the Chelsea Schools section for specific information on each of our schools. Teachers, administrators, and support staff, from pre-kindergarten through grade twelve are dedicated to providing Chelsea students with a Bridge to Success, a commitment that ALL students will achieve at high levels, think critically, and graduate from our school system college and career ready.
Vision By June 30, 2016, Chelsea Public Schools will be a model for other school districts in the way we utilize reflective practice and leverage family and community partnerships to ensure that ALL students achieve at high levels, think critically, and graduate from our school system college and career ready.