Hot Springs, NC, USA
Job Description Position: Speech Language Pathologist Location: Hot Springs Elementary School Term(s): Part time position Personal Service Contract Salary: Based on the NC Salary Schedule for Speech-Language Pathologists Qualifications: Speech-language pathologists shall be licensed at the master's degree level. Speech-language pathologists who were licensed by the Department of Public Instruction prior to 1984 must meet the highest standard, which is a master's in speech-language pathology, by the year 2005. When a local education agency contracts for speech- language services, the contractor must hold a license from the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Speech and Language Pathologists and Audiologists. Must have Clinical Certificate of Confidence (CCCs) from ASHA. Reports To: Superintendent or designee, Exceptional Children's Department Director, and Principal Marshay Huskins, Exceptional Children Director...